At the turn of the century, Pierce Park was a destination park. It included cabins and a man made lake. It was a popular weekend getaway for Boise residents. The park was accessible only by the Boise Trolley Loop.

Walter Pierce sold 1.5 acres of land in the Pierce Park area to Ada County for use as a school. The price was $1.00! The sale maintains the provision that if the land is ever not used for a public school, ownership will revert to the Pierce Family Trust.
Unfortunately, this is the only known picture of the original structure.

Over Christmas Break, a fire in the boiler room destroyed Pierce Park School. The new four room building was commissioned as part of President Roosevelt’s WPA and opened in the fall of 1935.

Pierce Park School was annexed into the Boise school District
A bond was passed to improve Franklin, Cole, and Pierce Park Schools. Pierce Park built a gym/cafeteria, a kitchen, office, and two classrooms. The original floor to ceiling windows in this addition can still be seen as part of the current Library.

In the early fall, the road in front of the school was re-named Pierce Park Lane, and was scheduled to be paved in the Spring. Work would also begin on the new six classroom wing on the north side of the building. The $60,845 project was highly controversial due to its extravagant cost.

By the 1970’s the neighborhood around Pierce Park was in rapid growth. With six new subdivisions built in 5 years, expansion became necessary. A new gym/cafeteria, with a gym and kitchen were added to the south side of the property. The old gym was converted to a library and classroom, and the old kitchen became the office.
In preparation for the 75th anniversary celebration of the school, the Pierce Park PTA arranged for the inside of the school to be freshly painted, a new playground blacktop was poured, and the parking lot was paved. It had been dirt and gravel for the previous 75 years!
Pierce Park celebrated the 75th anniversary of the school with a huge community party. The new flagpole was dedicated to alumni families. The Pierce Family gifted a portrait of Walter Pierce to the school. Community members were invited to tour the school.
Pierce Park opened in a brand new building built in the back yard of the old Pierce Park.